AI·Immersive Story-doing 

Content Lab

About RealityArtLab

Minimal Modern Contour Buildable Ovals

Realityartlab focuses on artistic experimentation that goes beyond the boundaries between reality and virtuality, and between different media, through the fusion of AI and immersive technologies. Our lab creates interactive story-doing content that expands traditional storytelling by leveraging AI and VR media. Additionally, we support education in generative AI and immersive media for future-oriented next-generation creators.

Realityartlab은 AI와 몰입형 기술을 융합하는 창제작 활동을

통해서 현실과 가상, 매체와 매체 사이의 경계를 뛰어넘는

예술 실험에 주목합니다. 우리 랩은 AI와 VR 매체를 활용하여

전통적인 스토리텔링을 확장하는 인터랙티브 Story-doing

콘텐츠를 제작하며, 미래 지향적인 차세대 창작자들을 위한

생성형 AI와 실감 미디어에 대한 교육을 지원합니다.

Creating immersive content experiences with boundless collaboration.

AI Immersive

Story-doing Content



Story-doing Content Lab

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What we do

Generative AI · Immersive Story-doing

XR Contents · AI film · Next-Creator Education

Minimal Modern Contour Buildable Circles

AI Immersive Story-doing Content

XR Contents / VR Film

AI Creation

AI Film / AI commercial / AX ART

AI and Immersive Media Education

AI/XR Contents ​Class

Who we are

Realityartlab operates as a collective of free-spirited creators in ​the fusion arts field, utilizing AI and XR technologies. We ​collaborate with media artists, filmmakers, spatial designers, ​developers, and immersive sound designers to undertake art ​projects that create new experiences. At Realityartlab, we push ​the boundaries of artistic expression in the AI era, designing and ​sharing innovative experiences that seamlessly merge technology ​with human creativity to forge new frontiers in experiential art.

Minimal Modern Contour Buildable Square

Realityartlab은 AI, XR 기술을 비롯한 융합예술 분야의 자유로운

창작자들이 모인 콜렉티브로 활동합니다. 우리는 미디어 아티스트,

영화 제작자, 영화감독, 실감미디어아티스트, 개발자, 공간 디자이너,

사운드 디자이너와 협업하여 새로운 예술 경험을 만드는 프로젝트와

교육을 진행합니다. Realityartlab은 AI 시대의 예술적 표현의 한계를

넓히며, 기술과 인간의 창의성을 융합한 혁신적인 경험을 설계하고

공유함으로써 체험 예술의 새로운 지평을 열어갑니다.


The Era of Video Content Creation ​Where Anyone Can Become an ​'AI Creator’

#누구나 ‘AI 크리에이터가’ 되는 영상​콘텐츠 창작의 시대

VR Game Sound" commentary ​that makes virtual reality, Sound ​Director Kyoim Jung.

#가상을 현실로 만드는 ‘VR 게임 사운​드’ 코멘터리, Sound Director 정교임

Our Work

Light Weight Sleek Arrow

#AI Creation

Minimal Modern Contour Buildable Square


AI Immersive Story-doing Content

Work with us



12, Daewangpangyo-ro 645beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

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AI·Immersive Story-doing Content Lab

Explore the Unique Value of Human Sensation through Immersive Art

Copyright (c) 2024 RealityArtLab All rights reserved.

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